What is Financial Freedom? How to Achieve Financial Freedom In 2023


We know that rich people get rich and poor people become poor as mentioned in Rich Dad Poor Dad, but why is this so, rich people have both knowledge and opportunity and those who are poor people are also very capable but they do not have knowledge and opportunity. In this article, we will tell you what is financial freedom. Why financial freedom is important and how to achieve financial freedom, then let’s start without delay.

What is financial freedom?

As you know from the name, financial freedom, which means financial freedom and in common parlance, freedom from the worry of making money, i.e. freedom from the worry of working for money, there is no single definition of financial freedom. What if it is?”

There are many strategies to get finance freedom, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.


Financial freedom may seem impossible to some people, but believe me, to get financial freedom, you do not have to have a lot of money, you just have to follow a few steps to achieve it.

How to achieve financial freedom?

Everyone in life thinks of getting financial freedom quickly but they do not know the way by which they can get financial freedom, so let me tell you about some ways by which you can get financial freedom quickly.

Saving and Investing

If you want to get financial freedom, then you have to apply 50, 30, 20 rule on your earnings, that is to say, you keep 50% for your expenses, keep 30% for emergencies and invest 20%. But many people see that some months invest but are not able to do consistency, so you do not have to do this.

Debt Relief

If you already have debts, then remove them as soon as possible because debt-free life leads you to financier freedom and never take any goods on any kind of EMI.

Work-Life Insurance

If you are a sole proprietor in your house, then you must get your life insurance done and even if you are not a sole proprietor, get your life insurance because no one knows what will happen on this earth, so even after you leave, your family can get the money of health insurance and it can live financially freely.

Small expenses after retirement

Many people are seen that just like retirement money is received, they start spending money in TV, fridge, AC i.e. useless work. Due to which his money runs out quickly and he becomes poor after a short time and he keeps thinking about money all his life.

Real Estate

If you have more money then you can invest in real estate, you will not get much returns in a short time, but in the long term you will get more returns.

Q. How much money is needed for economic freedom?
For economic freedom, 20% of what you earn can give you financial freedom.

Q. What does it mean to be financially free?
This means that you no longer have to think about earning money, you have earned as much money as you need to live.

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